
With this tool, students can upload and submit different kinds of tasks, and professors can evaluate the submitted tasks. Professors can set deadlines, type of evaluation (score, percentage, etc.), description for tasks, and attach files too. 

Find tasks

Tasks of the scene can be found in the "Tasks" box within the scene. Here you can find the deadlines and all the information about each task in the scene. 


Submit a task

When you submit a task you have two opportunities: 

  1. write text
  2. submit file or files to a task

For Instructors, Professors

View tasks

Tasks of a scene can be found after entering the scene, under 'Tasks', where the number of submitted tasks waiting for evaluation are also visible. 

Publishing results

In CooSpace, instructors can publish results of a test which was not handed in within the system; for example they can publish the results of a written exam online.