Idea boxes can be found on the scene's main page, among the other tools. It is a dinamic tool for collecting ideas, because in the same time members can vote for ideas as well.
Click on the name of the Idea box that you would like to enter.
Add a new idea
1. Click on the "New" button
2. Write the name of your idea into the text field.
3. Browse and upload a picture which will be the thumbnail of your idea.
For a thumbnail, only jpg, jpeg, png, bmp file extensions are allowed. Other file formats cannot be uploaded. You can upload only one picture per idea.
On the left side of every idea, you can see a red and a green arrow. If you like the idea, you can press the green arrow. This way the idea will get one positive vote. If you do not like the idea, press the red arrow, and the idea will get a negative vote. Only one vote is allowed per idea. After you have voted for an idea, its arrows will become inactive (grey).