Create a new forum

1. On the main page of the scene, click on the 'New tool', then on 'Forum'. 



2. In the appearing tool, fill the data necessary (name of the forum, members, etc.), clich on the 'Next' button and on the 'Ready' button when finished.  

Name of forum:The title of the forum, which appears in the list of forums. Is mandatory to fill. 
Commenters:People who can comment on posts, but can not post. 
Moderators:Have the right to modify a certain tool or scene
Custom options:Can edit the rights of members individually. 
Description:Description of forum.
Tags of forum:Tags that make easier to search for scenes of tools. 
Ban comments: If set, there can be no comments written in the forum
Ban attached documents:If set, no documents can be attached to comments and posts. 
Can modify own comments:If set, the comment can be deleted until there is no answer to it.
Can delete own attachments:If set, attachments can be deleted from the user's own comments. 
Moderator can edit comments:If set, the moderator can edit and delete comments. 
Moderator can delete attached documents:If set, the moderator can delete attached documents from posts and comments. 

In the Newsboard, the roles of different groups can be set, or we can individually set roles for users. For example, by choosing 'Students', all students will be categorized the same. 


Custom settings 

If the setting you wish is something else, click on the 'Custom settings' button under 'Moderators' and 'Editors'. 

Here you can individually select the roles of members of the scene.