Edit learning material

Existing learning materials can be edited with the menu that appears after a right-click on the name of the material. 

To edit existing materials, click on Edit

With Rename, the title of the study material can be edited. 

With Previous versions, past versions of the material can be viewed. 

Study materials can be copied from other sources (for instance from the personal storage to scenes' folders), this can be done with the Copy and Link buttons. With Copy, the entire material is copied, but with Link, only a link is placed in the targer folder, and by clicking on it the user is redirected to the original source of the study material. 

With Send, you can send the material to certain users in a message within CooSpace. 

With Move, you can move the study material to other folders, or your personal folder. 

With Delete, the study material can be deleted. 

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