Edit scenes

Scenes can be modified, deleted, archived and activated under 'Scene actions' in the left side menu. 

Scene actions can be found on the left side menu on the main page of the scene. 

Scene history: actions of the scene filtered for a certain period of time or user can be viewed here. 

Archive scene: you can archive the scenes that you do not wish to use with this tool. 

Deactivate scene: scenes can be deactivated. This way, students do not access it. 

Delete scene: you can delete a scene that has been created manually, but those which are created based on a course, cannot be deleted. 



Upload based on an existing scene

With this feature, the contents of an existing scene can be uploaded to a new scene. This way the selected contents will be uploaded, but not the users in the existing scene. 

Archive scene

In CooSpace, the scenes which you do not want to use actively, but also do not want to delete, can be archived. This way, the archived scene will not be visible in the scene list, only in the list of archived scenes. 

Activate, inactivate scene

All scenes are in inactive mode after being created. This way members do not have access to the scene and the tools it contains. To change that, you have to activate the scene. 

Move scene

Scenes can be moved under (as a subscene) or above (as a main scene of a subscene) another scene. 

Synchronization settings

In the Synchronization settings menu, members can be added to the scene based on certain criteria. Criteria can be any data, that the company’s HR system or the university’s databases contain about members, and have synced with CooSpace. With the Synchronization settings feature, it is easy to add members, who comply with certain criteria. For instance if you want to add all the male biology students, it is easy to do so with this feature, because the system automatically selects the members who comply with the provided conditions (male, biology student).