Click on 'New question' in the left side menu on the main page of Question bank.
Here a window will pop up and you can set the preferences of the new question.
Select the type of the question from the list (at some question types you also have to provide the correct answers or the answer options).
The type of the question can be:
Click on 'Save and close' if you would like to close the wizard or 'Save and new' if you would like to add another question.
You can share information with static text at the beginning of the test or during the test. It only contains information, no answers can be given.
In the Short text answer you have to type in your answer in a text field, which then will be compared to the correction key.
Users can write a longer essay in the answer field. Automatic evaluation is not available here.
Studens have to put items to groups in the Grouping question type.
With this question type, students can pair items with each other based on certain categories.
The items have to be evaluated in the Lickert scale or categorized into the given categories.
With this question type the students' task is to upload a file to the question so it can be evaluated.
The answer given to a numeric question can only be in numeric format.
In the table type of question you must fill the rows of a table according to the header of its columns.