
You can find the search field on the upper right section of the page. 


In CooSpace, you can search for either content, user 
or scene.

Find content

1. Enter a word or phrase in the search field (e.g. „reading”).
2. Click „Find content”.

The results will appear in the following form:


"Sum" shows the total number of results. Under the primary result CooSpace shows you the similar results. (Similar results mean that CooSpace has found the term(s) you searched for multiple times within the same scene.)

You can filter the results with the scene filter or type filter. You can find the filter options next to the search field, above the search results. Select a scene filter or a type filter from the drop-down list, and click on the "Search" button. 

If there are too many results, then you can jump to the first, next, previous or last page of results on the right side, above the search results. 

If there are no results of your search, or there are too many, please specify your search criteria. 

Find a user
1. Enter a word or a phrase in the search box (it can be a name or a code of a user, e.g. „kovács” or "GOPKAAT.SZE").
2. Click on the „Find user” button.

If there are no results, or there are too many, then you may have to specify your search criteria. 


Find a scene

1. Enter a word or a phrase in the search box (e.g. „Microbiology”).
2. Click on the „Find scene” button.

Within the results, you can see the scenes that are linked to the phrase(s) that you searched for. 

If there are no results, or there are too many, please specify your search criteria.