Exam test

Exam test is a tool for secure, quick and simple online testing within the CooSpace framework. Exam testing in CooSpace is based on the questionbanks and tests. In order to set up an online exam, we have to create an exam test, which professors can protect with a password. There are also options to specify the start and end of the examination, and give the opportunity for students to review the tests. After the students have filled out the test, CooSpace automatically evaluates them, according to the settings that the professor has set. Professors can also access th statistics of the test, which can also be exported. 

[MISSING:733bbcfe-c33a-d6a7-024d-4424bce3d7a4 The Exam tool in CooSpace]

Information for students

Here you can find a short description about online exams. 

Create exam test

You can create exam tests in the following way. 

Setting up an exam test

In the created test the scoring and grading system has to be set and the exam questionnaire has to be attached to it.

Adding users to test by ID

You can add members to a test by their ID codes. 

Modify or delete an exam

Exams can be modified and deleted the following way. 

Results, view completed tests, statistics

To view results, click on the name of the exam in tools. 

Students' view for instructors

Admins of the tool can run a test exam before publishing the test. 

Print namelist

You can print the list of names of users in the tool.