Create self-assessment test

You can create a self-assessment test for students in the following way. 

1. On the main page of the scene, click on 'New tool' and choose 'Self-assessment'



2. In the pop-up window, fill in the information about the tools. 

Name:The name of the self-assessment test, which appears for the members of the tool. Mandatory to fill.
Start of test:The test is available from this time.
End of test:The test is available until this time.
IP addresses:*

The creator of the exam can limit the access to the exam to only the users in the classroom with this tool. 

Supervisors:Appoint which users can get supervisors' right from the members of the scene. 
Examinees:Those users who are going to take the test. 
Custom settings: You can set the rights of members manually user by user. 
Description of test:Short description of the test. 
Tags:Tags about the test, based on which users can find the tool with the search engine. 
Password to start:You can set a password, which members have to type in in order to be able to start the exam. 
Password to continue:Supervisors can set a password that membert have to type in if they want to continue the test at some point
New page at every question:Can be chosen from three settings. 
Random question order:Can be chosen from three alternatives.