Create Trainer learning materials

Anyone can create Training materials in CooSpace. You can access the editing field by clicking on Trainer in the main menu on the right. 

When you entered the Trainer editing field, click on 'Create learning material' on the left. 

This way you can open the editing field of the new learning material, which consists of two parts. In the first one, you can set the properties of the new learning material, such as: 

  • Name of learning material: This will be the title of the new learning material. 
  • Author: Your name by default. 
  • Description: You can attach a description to the learning material.
  • Name of upper text: The category name of upper text, for example 'English' or 'Term'.
  • Name of bottom text: The category name of the bottom text, for example 'Hungarian' or 'Definition'. 
  • Size of cognitive framework: The number of word pairs shown in one cycle (7 by default). 
  • Number of learning cycles: The system accepts this as learned after this number of repetitons. 
  • The learning process can be reversed: If it is not logical to reverse the order of the word pairs, it can be disabled.

On the bottom part of the editing field, you can enter the word pairs. 

With the icons next to the words or definitions, audio and images can be added to the terms. Uploaded content can be edited or changed. 

Pictures have to be in .jpg, .jpeg, or .png format. 

Audio has to be .mp3 format.